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pulling out their poles and getting back to nature.ģ. Woodsmen Scott Hardman and Mike Russo are inspired in the shade of the tall trees. Hiker Jon King takes a break from trailblazing to inspect and enjoy Alex Carrington's impressive piece of wood as the studs indulge themselves in the great outdoors.Ģ. This all-star cast gets down'n'dirty in the California hills.ġ. Men doin 'it all in the wild, just whates naturally. Genres: Violence, Butt Play, Gagging, Outdoor Sex, Tender Lovemaking, Rimming, Rough Sex, Threeways, Classic Cast: Cliff Parker, Kip Harting, Alec Campbell, Scott Hardman, Chuck Hunter, Jon King, Alex Carrington, Mark Andrews, Mike Russo, Paul Edwards

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