Gay bar atlanta

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It’s a perfect place to catch up and relax. Friends – For those seeking an easy-going, off-the-beaten path watering hole, Friends is a no-attitude bar with inexpensive drinks and pool tables.Blake’s on the Park – Conveniently located in the middle of the Midtown “gayborhood,” this institution boasts a neighborhood vibe and attracts a mix of Atlanta bachelors, as well as some of the city’s most legendary drag queens.From chic lounges to sizzling clubs, Atlanta’s diverse after-hours scene doesn’t disappoint. Bring the action at energy-pumping themed parties throughout the week or catch an impromptu drag performance in a no-frills atmosphere where the drinks are always flowing.

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Atlanta’s LGBTQ nightlife offers something for everyone. LGBTQ Bars & Nightlife Discover Atlanta’s LGBTQ bars and clubsĭance the night away to the beats of superstar DJs or mix and mingle over specialty concoctions on a nearby patio.

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